Today’s notice: Putting a finger in each ear and saying “la-la-la I can’t hear you.” We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy, but because we already paid for it. Some DOGE scoops. Rubio vs. Thailand. And, how many times can you tell a joke before it stops being funny?
Spending Time
There has been so much talk about cutting spending lately, so it’s OK if you forgot that the thing Congress really does well is spend. It’s basically its whole deal, outside of the traditional stalemates. That skill will get majorly tested this week, with another round of dramatic days that could easily end in a shutdown.
Over the weekend, NOTUS’ Daniella Diaz and Reese Gorman gave House leadership’s “clean CR” proposal a close read. Turns out, it isn’t that “clean” after all, offering up some $8 billion in reduced spending from the last Resolution it is supposed to be Continuing. Daniella and Reese report that House leaders want to vote on Tuesday, and between now and then, there are CR-averse Republicans to convince and (very) angry Democrats to soothe in order to pass this thing. Not passing it could bring a shutdown closer.