Will Republicans Learn to Love a Bigger, More Expensive Child Tax Credit?

As Donald Trump and Josh Hawley have embraced expanding the popular child tax credit, other Republicans are starting to ask how they would pay for it.

Josh Hawley

Jose Luis Magana/AP

Many congressional Republicans say they are willing to expand the child tax credit — if they can figure out how to pay for it.

At least one lawmaker already has an idea of what that expansion might look like under full Republican control of Washington. Sen. Josh Hawley is pushing to include a provision in a reconciliation bill that would make parents eligible to receive up to $5,000 per year per child — more than doubling the credit’s current $2,000 maximum — while still keeping some work requirements for eligibility.

But even with such a high-profile conservative backing the policy, Hawley acknowledged that it would not be an easy sell to every fiscal conservative, many of whom want to see how the provision would be paid for.