A century or so ago, an Associated Press editor named Walter Phillips came up with POTUS and SCOTUS as a shorthand way to break news faster via telegraph. We launched NOTUS — not because we love acronyms or ancient newswire history, but because we believe, now more than ever, in the value of honest reporting on the news of the United States.
Of course, lots of outlets say they offer that, and many of them do. But we think NOTUS is unique. We’re nonprofit. We’re nonpartisan. And while others will tell you what’s happening or what you should think about it, we’re focused on bigger questions: Why? Why is Washington the way it is? And what drives the people who make it so?
There’s something else that’s unique about NOTUS: It’s produced by a newsroom like no other. We’re a product of the Allbritton Journalism Institute, a new journalism education organization founded by Robert Allbritton, the former publisher of POLITICO. At AJI, we’re training the next generation of great journalists by pairing some of the country’s most promising up-and-coming reporters – individuals from different regions, different backgrounds, and different beliefs – with some of the most accomplished journalists working in Washington today.
Together, we cover government and politics with the fresh eyes of newcomers and the expertise of veterans. We’ll call it like we see it, no matter whose narrative it fits or how many clicks it will get.
For the latest from NOTUS, please sign up for our daily newsletter. To share your thoughts on our coverage, please reach out to me directly. And to learn more about AJI – or to apply to join next year’s class of fellows – please visit the AJI site.
We’re grateful that you’re here, and we’re excited to show you what we’re about.
—Tim Grieve, Editor in Chief